Friday Giveaway: Phantom Game by Christine Feehan

Posted March 18, 2022 by Lucy D in Contests & Giveaways / 5 Comments

Our winner is…Sheila. Congratulations.

Happy Friday!

This was definitely a quick week. Probably because I have been watching movies and shows all week with my college kid. She likes to share all the fun stuff she and her friends have found that she knows I will like. We did take her to see The Batman even though the rest of us had already watched it and we all decided we wanted to see it again. Obviously, we all enjoyed it. We also watched Peacemaker, which I would not recommend to younger kids as it is definitely intended for a more mature audience.

We also made sure to re-dyed her hair which now cascades from pink to dark violet.  Unfortunately, it is time to take her back to school which makes me sad but she is really enjoying her classes so that makes me happy.

What also makes me happy is the great big box of books that I received from Berkley and I can’t wait to share with you, including a sweet hardcover copy of Phantom Game by Christine Feehan.

Our giveaway ends Thursday, March 24th. Open to U.S. residents.

Just leave a comment to be entered.

I will be picking winners this weekend so watch your emails. Happy reading!

Jonas “Smoke” Harper has watched his brothers find their perfect mates, never imagining he’d actually meet someone who complements every part of him — even the monster that lurks within. But his instant connection with Camellia goes far beyond wanting the intelligent, beautiful, and lethal woman in his bed. They are two parts of a whole, linked to each other and to a larger network that exists everywhere around them.

Camellia has lived on her own for a long time, relying on her unique psychic abilities to keep her safe. She knows that Jonas was literally made for her, and that makes their addictive connection more dangerous than a thousand enhanced super soldiers. Once the larger threat looming over them is dealt with she’s going to get far away as fast as she can. Life has taught her that the only one she can truly trust is herself.

Jonas can sense Camellia is going to run — and the hunter inside doesn’t want to let go. Not when he knows how good they’ll be together. So he’ll just have to use all of his considerable skills to convince her to stay..

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5 responses to “Friday Giveaway: Phantom Game by Christine Feehan

  1. Eva Millien

    This week definitely went by to quickly! Sounds like you had a great one though! Thanks for sharing the books with me, I really want this one as I love Christine Feehan’s books! Have a fantastic TGIF!