Friday Giveaway: Happily Ever Alaska by Patience Griffin

Posted August 10, 2024 by Lucy D in Contests & Giveaways / 3 Comments

Friday Giveaway Take 2.

Happy Friday *wink*wink*

I am embarrassed how long it took for me to realize something major was wrong with my keyboard. I kept trying to put in my password and nothing was happening. The mouse was working so I must have been doing something wrong, right? She ate through the wire which will teach me not to have a wireless keyboard.

As I said, one of my dogs (4 in total) she dislikes being “locked” anywhere. Usually she just digs at the door when she hears strangers in the house. My office rug is in shreds and the back of the door looks like something has been trying to get out. That goes for my bedroom door and basement door which have taken hits in the past. Recently she has taken to chewing the wire on my treadmill (no, I don’t keep it plugged in). That was twice and the splices mean that there is just enough wire left to plug into the wall. We now put things in the way so she can’t get to that. I do unplug and move my apple watch and kindle chargers but I never expected her to go for my computer. My husband objects but I think for her own safety, and the integrity of my house and electronics, she needs to go into the puppy crate which we still have in the family room next time the dogs need to go anyway.

This week’s giveaway is a nice second chance romance which features a dog — a good dog that doesn’t eat people’s wiring.

Just leave a comment to be entered in this week’s giveaway. Giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. Giveaway ends Thursday, August 15th.

Lolly Crocker bakes up warm desserts in her chilly Alaskan town, but can she handle the reigniting of an old flame?

Whenever things get too serious, baker Lolly Crocker knows it’s time to break it off with a guy. Without fail, her gut would tell her that the man she was dating was not Mr. Right.

The one exception is Shaun Montana, her high school sweetheart. With Shaun, life felt complete; but her mother convinced her she was too young to be tied down, and Lolly broke up with him the night before she left for college.

While Lolly keeps every relationship light, Shaun is never less than fully committed—and still somehow his romances have all ended badly. When he comes back to Sweet Home, his attraction to Lolly is as fiery as ever, but he’s determined to keep things casual for once…just when Lolly is finally ready to risk her heart on a second chance with the man she loved so long ago.

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3 responses to “Friday Giveaway: Happily Ever Alaska by Patience Griffin

  1. Texas Book Lover

    My youngest dog, the lab, likes to eat rocks. Like big landscaping rocks that line a walkway. About 1/3 of them are now gone. I don’t know how it doesn’t mess with his digestion but it doesn’t and he has the whitest teeth. Luckily he doesn’t eat anything inside. 🙂

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