Friday Giveaway: Funny Story by Emily Henry

Posted April 26, 2024 by Lucy D in Contests & Giveaways / 9 Comments

Our winner is…Texas Book Lover. Congratulations.

It’s Friday!

In Funny Story, Miles takes Daphne around their small town and surrounding areas to introduce her to some of the fun things she might not have explored with her boring fiancé, Peter.  And while it is not the same, my friends at work and I have found this app called TooGoodToGo.  The idea of this app is that you pay a certain amount of money $5 to $10, depending on the restaurant, and you pick up a surprise something left0ver for the day.  I tried one new bakery and one familiar one and it is fun to see what you get and maybe try something new that you might not have picked up before.  We share which restaurants we tried and what kind of items we received in our surprise.  My one co-worker and I went to the same bakery and were immediately texting to compare our bag of goodies.  You certainly get your money’s worth.  I guess I understand why my kids like those “blind boxes.”   Tomorrow I will be picking up a surprise lunch from a healthier food caterer.  It’s always fun to find new places to shop or eat, or even finding new books or authors.

This week’s giveaway is a hard cover copy of Funny Story by Emily Henry.   This is a perfect story to begin this summer’s reading collection.

Giveaway ends Thursday, May 2nd.  Open to U.S. residents only.


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9 responses to “Friday Giveaway: Funny Story by Emily Henry

  1. Texas Book Lover

    That app sounds fun! I’ll have to see if they have something like that around here!

    I absolutely adore everything Emily Henry writes and am beyond excited to get my hands on Funny Story so I can go sit out on my back patio with a glass of sweet tea, my dogs and not come up for air until I’m done!

  2. Jamilynn Hanson

    Although the book sounds great I’m a very picky eater, so I’m not sure if that kind of app would work well for me.

  3. Linda Townsend

    I’ve never read a book by her but this sounds so cute! I’ve obviously been missing out! Thanks for the chance!

  4. Jordan

    That app is so clever! Definitely going to check it out! Thanks for the giveaway, this book sounds really fun – I’m excited to read it!

  5. JenM

    I just downloaded the app. Looks like mainly donuts and pastries in my area. Funny Story sounds like another great summer read by Emily Henry.

  6. Kimberly

    That app sounds amazing! I would love to try something like that. I’ll have to look to see if they have that in my area. Emily Henry is one of my favorite authors 🙂