Friday Giveaway: Valley Verified by Kyla Zhao

Posted April 12, 2024 by Lucy D in Contests & Giveaways / 5 Comments

Our winner is…Kimberly. Congratulations.

Happy Friday!

So we survived the big NY earthquake and a partial solar eclipse and finally make it to Friday!!! I think everyone earned a day of reading!!! Go now. Grab a beverage and get comfy.

I probably waste way too much reading time on Instagram but one of the creators that I follow is @ezeekat He covers several topics from books to games but I love the idea he has that he is trying to clear off his vast bookshelves of books. He has started from the top shelf and is going through the books first determining if he read a book, if he liked it enough to keep it or if it is time to pass it on. If he hits a book he hasn’t read (I mean, who has books on their shelves they have read? That’s crazy), if he finds one, he stops right there, sits down to read it and then he can make the determination to keep or pass on.

I love that idea but I also have a terrible issue with grabby hands and every time I am offered a new book, I have to take it. Really, you never know that the book you just passed up might have been the one that changes your life. It could! I have many books on my shelves, most of them signed so they won’t be going anywhere, but the majority of my books are digital (hence, EBookObsessed). I have thought of using a randomizing app or simply closing my eyes, spinning through my library and reading the next book I touch, but then grabby hands  happens and suddenly I have a another new book.

Do you ever think that you really need to clear off those unloved TBR books? Oh my god, is there anyone out there who actually reads every book they pick up? There has to be at least one person out there–and I don’t mean those people who buy 1 or 2 books a year–I mean readers who actually read all their books. I have one of my book-girlfriends coming this weekend. I am quizzing her on this. Ha!

Who wants to help me clear a book off my shelf.  This week I have a very interesting book — Valley Verified by Kyla Zhao.   This features Zoe who is trying to break into two very hard careers to break into — fashion and tech.

Tell us — How’s your TBR list?  Unmanageable or cleared off?

This giveaway is for a paperback copy and is open to U.S. residents only.   Giveaway ends Thursday April 18th.

When a fashion writer dives headfirst into the cutthroat Silicon Valley tech world, her future threatens to unravel in this addictive novel by Kyla Zhao, author of The Fraud Squad.

On paper, Zoe Zeng has made it in New York’s fashion world. After a string of unpaid internships, she’s now a fashion columnist at Chic, lives in a quaint apartment in Manhattan, and gets invited to exclusive industry events.

But life in New York City isn’t as chic as Zoe imagined. Her editor wants her to censor her opinions to please the big brands; she shares her “quaint” ( small) apartment with two roommates who never let her store kimchi in the fridge; and how is she supposed to afford the designer clothes expected for those parties on her meager salary?

Then one day, Zoe receives a job offer at FitPick, an app startup based in Silicon Valley. The tech salary and office perks are sweet, but moving across the country and switching to a totally new industry? Not so much. However, with her current career at a dead end, Zoe accepts the offer and swaps high fashion for high tech, haute couture for HTML. But she soon realizes that in an industry claiming to change the world for the better, not everyone’s intentions are pure. With an eight-figure investment on the line, Zoe must find a way to revamp FitPick’s image despite Silicon Valley’s elitism and her icy colleagues. Or the company’s future will go up in smoke—and hers with it.

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5 responses to “Friday Giveaway: Valley Verified by Kyla Zhao

  1. Jamilynn Hanson

    I know I can’t be the only one who reads all her books 📚📚 even though I have four shelves ok maybe five of books the need to be read. And I am working my way through them. When my favorite authors don’t have anything new out is when I tackle the stack like crazy 🤣. I go as far as to take a book every where. Lolol

  2. Kimberly

    My TBR pile is starting to grow but I do tend to read all of the books I have 🙂 After I read them I usually pass them on to my sister or a friend who are also book lovers!

  3. Mary C

    My TBR continues to grow but I do try to go through my books annually to choose which ones I will donate to the library

  4. Anna Xu

    My tbr list is definitely leaning toward unmanageable, but I am working on it. Like you said, you never know what book might change your life. 😁 Thank you for the chance to win!