Friday Giveaway: Archangel’s Lineage by Nalini Singh

Posted May 3, 2024 by Lucy D in Contests & Giveaways / 8 Comments

Our winner is…Texas Book Lover. Congratulations.

Happy Friday, Book Besties!

I am off to the final art show/thesis presentation for my oldest. College graduation in only two short weeks away. I also need to pick up my youngest from her college shortly. We were just getting used to having an empty nest (not really, I missed them a lot) and now they are on their way back.

We already discussed Archangel’s Lineage. This book is very much a story about Elena getting her first real taste of immortality as she watches the mortals she loves and grew up with start to show their age and it begins to really hit her that there will come a time when everyone mortal that she loves will be gone while she will still look young.

I did watch an interview with Nalini and she indicated that this series will be winding down with the next few books and that the next book will once again by Illium and Aohdan.

I have caught up on my giveaways so those will go out in the mail this weekend. I can finally stop staring at the pile that I made, feeling guilty that they aren’t being read.

Just leave a comment to be entered in this week’s giveaway.

Giveaway is for a paperback copy and is open to U.S. Residents only. Giveaway ends Thursday, May 9th.

Raphael and Elena are experiencing their first ever year of true peace. No war. No horrors of archangelic power. No nightmares given flesh. Until…the earth beneath the Refuge begins to tremble, endangering not only angelkind’s precious and fragile young, but the very place that has held their most innocent safe for eons.

Amid the chaos, Elena’s father suffers a violent heart attack that threatens to extinguish their last chance to heal the bonds between them and make sense of the ruins of their agonizing shared history.

Even as Elena battles grief, Raphael is torn from her side by the sudden disappearance of an archangel. But worse yet is to come. An Ancestor, an angel unlike any other, stirs from his Sleep to warn the Cadre of a darkness so terrible that it causes empires to fall and civilizations to vanish.

This time, even the Cadre itself may not be able to stop a ticking clock that is counting down at frightening speed…

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8 responses to “Friday Giveaway: Archangel’s Lineage by Nalini Singh

  1. Jamilynn Hanson

    How exciting this time you have with your oldest. It probably feels like just yesterday they were toddlers running amok. Lol

    And I have to say I love the cover of this book.

  2. Anna Xu

    It must be an exciting time! I wanted to give this series a try for some time. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!

    • Lucy D

      The art show was so interesting. My daughter focused on Ethics of Photography. Someone else did a cookbook with their own recipes and photos. Another focused on the art of book covers and another did album covers. Yet another discussed fan art. Some had booklets. Some had video presentations. All creative and so very different.

  3. Jordan

    I can’t wait to read this one! It’s strange to see this series winding down. I think I started reading it way back when the second book was published, so it also most feels like the end of an era. Mixed feelings, but it always makes me happy to see how much success Nalini Singh is still having!

  4. Texas Book Lover

    Love this series!!! Looking forward to reading this new addition. Thanks so much!!!