Friday Giveaway: First Position by Melanie Hamrick

Posted March 22, 2024 by Lucy D in Contests & Giveaways / 5 Comments

Our winner is…Jamilynn. Congratulations.

Happy Friday!

Spring is here! Is it? Is it really? It’s actually gotten colder around here since Tuesday.

Since it is brutal outside, I decided we needed to go with a story about the brutal world of ballet dancing. Nice segue! This looked interesting and seems to be a darker romance. This is especially interesting since we are generally only focus on the only the beauty of the dance and the ballerinas, not the toll it takes on the body.

Even so close to NYC, I have never gone to the ballet. My stint as a dancer ended when I was about five and the dance school closed…and the world is a better place since I did not really show any promise as a future ballerina. I have many times declared that I am so graceless, that I probably owe my mother for the money she wasted for dance lessons.

Leave a comment to be entered in this week’s giveaway.

Giveaway ends Thursday, March 28th. This giveaway is for a paperback copy and is open to U.S. residents only.

A dancer’s fall from grace ignites a dark ambition in this propulsive novel about the seductive, cutthroat world of professional ballet by debut author Melanie Hamrick.

Five years into her career at the North American Ballet, Sylvie Carter has come a long way from the girl she once was—the young, driven ballerina who dutifully kept a list of rules for how to succeed. But as her star in the company rises, every rule gets broken and she becomes a version of herself she no longer recognizes. When a tumultuous, troubling relationship erupts into a devastating scandal for which she alone is blamed, she loses everything. Her reputation is destroyed, her best friend is now her fiercest rival, and the dream she’s worked for her entire life—becoming a prima ballerina—will never be realized. She vows not to ever make the same mistake again.

But when renowned dancer Alessandro Russo joins NAB as a guest artist for the season, Sylvie is magnetically drawn to him. Torn between fear and attraction, she finds herself mentally unraveling but also artistically blossoming as she taps into emotions she’d buried long ago. Caught in a bewildering spiral, she can either let the wounds of the past destroy her or find a way to be reborn.

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5 responses to “Friday Giveaway: First Position by Melanie Hamrick

  1. Jamilynn Hanson

    This could be a really awesome read, especially after watching black swan. Good choice

  2. Jordan

    As a former dancer who loved it but eventually had to quit (I came to the age where it had to be either the only thing I could pursue, or look at college and various careers), I always love dipping back into this world!

    • Lucy D

      Wow! That was a lot of hard work to even get that far. I hope you did it because you enjoyed it. Sadly, ballet is one of those things you can’t have a side hobby, get together with friends like softball leagues or book clubs. 🙁