Friday Giveaway: Not That Kind of Guy by Andie J. Christopher

Posted March 15, 2024 by Lucy D in Contests & Giveaways / 6 Comments

Our winner is…Linda. Congratulations.

Happy Friday!

I’m sorry but I am going to bring the mood down with this post. Something weird had popped up on my Mailchimp page which I use for the newsletters. When I went to check my settings, I noticed that one of our long-time followers unsubscribed several months ago. I make mental notes on who enters the Friday Giveaways and what kind of books and authors gain more interest. It is not unusual that someone only pops up with a favorite author or maybe only on a digital copy so it isn’t unusual that she hasn’t entered a giveaway in awhile. But I couldn’t imagine why after all these years, suddenly she unsubscribed and I was racking my brain, Did I post something offensive? I try not to be too political, this is a book blog. Did I trash a favorite author? What could have happened to make her suddenly unsubscribe?

With a little more investigating I found out that she passed away back in October, only a few days after she entered her last giveaway with us so I imagine this was very sudden. Mary Jo and I have been chatting about books for so long and she even sent me Christmas cards. I noted that she didn’t send one this year but people get busy so I didn’t think too much on that. I was so upset to learn about this and I don’t even know how to tell her family that random strangers are going to miss Mary Jo here in our little book community.

I picked a fun contemporary romance that I think she would have liked for this week’s giveaway.

Just leave a comment to be entered.

Giveaway ends Thursday, March 21st. Giveaway is for a paperback copy and open to U.S. residents only.

An office attraction becomes something more when they’re off the clock in this delightful romantic comedy by the USA Today bestselling author of Not the Girl You Marry.

State attorney Bridget Nolan is successful in all aspects of her life–except romance. After breaking up with her longtime boyfriend, she’s been slow to reenter the dating scene. To be honest, she has more important things to do like putting bad guys behind bars. But with her brother’s wedding right around the corner, she suddenly needs a date and fast. Lucky for Bridget, the legal intern is almost done with his program.

Matt Kido is dumbstruck by Bridget–total love at first sight–but there’s one problem. She’s totally off-limits while she’s his boss. But the moment he no longer reports to her, Matt asks her on a date. An impulsive decision takes them to Las Vegas where, as the saying goes, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

Unless you put a ring on it.

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6 responses to “Friday Giveaway: Not That Kind of Guy by Andie J. Christopher

  1. Mary C

    Even though I have signed up for various blogs, email notifications are a hit or miss. I always check my spam folder before deleting, so I’m not sure what is going on.
    Hope you have an enjoyable weekend.

  2. Jamilynn Hanson

    Oh Lucy I am truly sorry. Death is of a friend, family, or even an acquaintance is never easy. She must have been very special.

  3. Linda Townsend

    Oh no. That is sad. I’m glad, though, that she enjoyed your blog until she passed.

  4. Texas Book Lover

    I’m so sorry, my BIL just passed and well and it has been a big adjustment in my family as he was my husband’s only sibling! 🤗