Welcome to EBook Obsessed!!
I have been an avid reader since my teens. Nothing I like better than a good romance, and lately, I have been obsessed with the paranormal romances. I have also enjoyed many science fiction and police/FBI dramas. I would also say horror, but I really only read Stephen King under the horror genre.
When my children were little, there was just no time to sit and read, and thankfully a friend turned me on to books-on-tape. I was reluctant to try at first since it just wasn’t the same as holding a book. I began to enjoy the books-on-tape and even have some favorite narrators, as well as authors. Once my girls were old enough to entertain themselves, I once again found the joy of picking up a book and settling into a comfortable chair. As always, technology changed and I was now looking at those crazy electronic readers, and screaming “You can’t pry my paper book out of my hand.”
That was until I gave in and purchased my B&N color Nook, which my kids have called “The Precious,” and my avid readership has turned into an absolute obsession! I now have a whole library which I carry in my purse and I can read whatever suits my fancy at any given moment. Additionally, with all the offers for free books and discount books, I have begun trying so many new authors. My only problem now is that as a mom with a full-time job there are so many books and so little time.
In creating this blog, it is my way of pointing out to readers like myself which books are definitely worth taking that precious time to read and which could be put aside for a later date. And my friends have joined me in sharing our opinions on various books and series (I do love series) and we hope that these reviews are helpfully to you in picking your next book.
The Favorite Line/Scenes section may not be the absolute best scene from the book, some of those are just too long or just to important to the overall story line to give away, but we wanted to include some scenes since we have so much fun discussing the books that we love and tossing out favorite scenes, and even who we think should be cast to play the various characters. If you have read any of the books we list, please share with us your favorite line, scene or casting choices.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Lucy D.
I really like your blog! Is there anyway I can contact you about possible review titles. Please email me kenya(dot)walker@us(dot)penguingroup(dot)com
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