Review: The Only Thing by Marie Harte
I didn’t realize how much I like the fake relationship trope but this gave us a natural development of the romance and a nice blend of sexy and sweet.
I didn’t realize how much I like the fake relationship trope but this gave us a natural development of the romance and a nice blend of sexy and sweet.
I was hoping for a book about Sadie since we met her and her brother Elliot in A Sure Thing.
If you are a fan of Marie Harte’s various series, this will be a special bonus for you.
I liked Sam’s story a lot more than I thought I would. While he was a bit of a jerk in Roadside Assistance, he turns out to be a big softie. In Roadside Assistance, Sam was pretty angry over the fact that his best friend, Foley, was interested in Cyn as more than just a […]
A sweet, sexy romance. You are going to want to be a Donnigan after reading this story.
I fluctuated with how much I enjoyed this story. While I don’t need stories with millionaires in suits, every time I settled into the story, it would get too crass and it would hit me wrong. Of course, I need to know what happens next.