Review: The Widow of Rose House by Diana Biller
I intended to read a chapter or two to see if I had any interest and didn’t put it down until I had finished the entire book.
I intended to read a chapter or two to see if I had any interest and didn’t put it down until I had finished the entire book.
A Little Night Magic reminded me of the Molly Harper Jane Jameson/Nice Girls series and more than just because it has the same narrator. This was a light-hearted, fun paranormal story.
This was not what I expected and the ending did seem a bit abrupt, but I did enjoy it. There was a lot of secondary character introduction to set up for future stories.
I miss the original storyline of this series which focused on Charley the grim reaper and P.I. I am not so excited about the plotlines recently. I miss the simpler stories where Charley used her ability to see the dead to solve investigations. I still hate the premise of leaving her baby to be raised […]
I was torn between loving and hating this story. There were moments when their bond moved me, and then others when their actions bothered the hell out of me. Luke’s brother calls it at the end of the story telling them they are still acting like the teenagers they once were, and that’s when it hit me what the problem was, their feelings were that of mature adults and their actions were still rooted in the teenagers they were when they originally fell in love.