Review: Ruby Fever by Ilona Andrews
This is the end of Catalina’s story arc and I admit I didn’t enjoy it as much as Nevada’s story.
This is the end of Catalina’s story arc and I admit I didn’t enjoy it as much as Nevada’s story.
Little sister Catalina comes out swinging in her spinoff story. Sapphire Flames is full of excitement, action and plenty of magic and most of all, it leaves us desperate for more.
Diamond Fire is for fans of the Hidden Legacy series and help us turns the focus from Nevada and Connor to younger sister, Catalina. If you haven’t read the Hidden Legacy series yet, it would give you an introduction to the series without giving away any spoilers for the first three books, except that Rogan and Nevada get together…in a romance? Unheard of right?
I am so happy that I delayed in picking up this series. It was awesome to binge the whole thing. This was a great finale to the trilogy, and there is now going to be a novella and a connected trilogy feature Nevada’s younger sister starting by the end of the year.
I downloaded this book as I was finishing Book 1. For once, I was so happy to be behind in a series. I would have hated to have to wait. Nevada Baylor hopes that she has seen the last of Connor “Mad” Rogan after the Adam Pierce case but fate has other plans, and […]
As always, the world building and the characters are phenomenal. I picked up White Hot and Wildfire as soon as I finished with Book 1. I may be late to this party, but I am very happy that because I waited, I have more stories to binge on.