Review: The Siren and the Deep Blue Sea by Kerrelyn Sparks
Just when you think we knew it all, there are more secrets to be revealed.
Just when you think we knew it all, there are more secrets to be revealed.
Kerrelyn Sparks once again delights us with a story filled with adventure, treachery, magic and romance.
Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon is my favorite in the series. It will make you laugh and cry.
Such wonderful world-building by Kerrelyn Sparks. She obviously had a great time creating these new characters. In the second in her new Embraced series, we can really start to see how much fun Kerrelyn had stetching her imagination. Her complaint about her Love at Stake series was that all the vampires had the same abilities […]
I have missed Kerrelyn Sparks’s humor. This new series is delightful. I can’t wait to see what comes next. As this is the first book of a new series, there is so much to talk about — the set up for the new world building as well as all the new characters. To keep […]