Review: Wicked Abyss by Kresley Cole
I finished this book in a day. Each chapter kept drawing me into the next into the next and then the next thing I knew, it was done.
I finished this book in a day. Each chapter kept drawing me into the next into the next and then the next thing I knew, it was done.
Make sure you will be able to finish this in a day. There is so much action and danger you are not going to be able to put this down and actually go to sleep.
I have mixed feelings about the story. There was a lot to introduce as far as this new world and just as it got going, it ended. There are a few more stories in the series and I might give the next book a try to see where it goes.
I enjoyed the chemistry of the main characters. It was just the conflict which caused a great deal of painful eye rolling.
The publisher made the mistake of describing this story in a way that seems like a woman who needs to find a man to teach her pointers for her new erotica novels. This couldn’t be further from the truth. They have successfully sold a flood of books but to people wanting an erotica story and who are now very unhappy.
This was such a sad story I couldn’t finish. I will give the author kudos for being able to write a story that made you feel so much, but I just didn’t have the heart to finish it.