Genre: Contemporary

Review:  Trouble Walks In by Sara Humphreys

Review: Trouble Walks In by Sara Humphreys

Posted July 28, 2016 by Lucy D in Blue Collar, Book Reviews, Contemporary / 0 Comments

[box style=”rounded” border=”full”]Sara Humphreys succeeds in writing romantic suspense where others have failed.  She strikes a perfect balance of suspense, excitement and romance and kept me guessing until the final reveal.[/box] New York City and murder become the backdrop for Sara Humphrey’s latest novel in the McGuire Brothers series featuring NYC Police Officer Ronan McGuire and […]

Review:  Inseverable by Cecy Robson

Review: Inseverable by Cecy Robson

Posted June 20, 2016 by Lucy D in Book Reviews, Contemporary, Small Town / 2 Comments

[box style=”rounded” border=”full”]What a perfect summer read.   Sun, fun and college friends having one more summer together before they join the real world.   Trinity Summers is just the bubbly, happy girl to help Calahan get passed his PTSD and learn to live again.  [/box] Trinity Summers has no boundaries, and apparently no filters. While I might […]