Audiobook Review: Etched in Bone by Anne Bishop
Anne Bishop created and destroyed her worlds in The Others series. In Etched in Bone, we see what comes next.
Anne Bishop created and destroyed her worlds in The Others series. In Etched in Bone, we see what comes next.
Things are heating up as the terre indigene decide they have had enough of the Human First and Last movement. It is time for the clever meat to be reminded of their place in the food chain.
Such great world building in this series. I highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys urban fantasy and paranormal novels.
I am enjoying the characters and the world building of this series. I would highly recommend to all the fantasy/urban fantasy lovers out there. There has always been a line between humans and terra indigene who subtlely control the natural world, but some humans are beginning to stir up unrest. They want more: more land, […]
I once again declare my love/hate with this series. There was a lot of potential for this series, but the sisters aren’t given a chance to use their gifts to their fullest until the very end when Amelie sees the killer’s past right at the apex of the action and once again screeching the whole story to a halt. I will still read the next one, because I am still hoping to see more from these characters.
I enjoy the series but we need more character development on our main characters. We learn more about the gypsies we meet in this story, than we know about Amelie and Céline. Again, we are derailed during the climactic ending while Amelie is dragged into the killer’s past.
There is good and bad points to this series. Although I like the sisters, my biggest problem would be that they don’t make more use of their gifts and the big reveal always draws away from the momentum of the ending.
I was asked to review this book which is the 3rd in the series. Whatever enjoyment I had with the characters was overshadowed by the fact that I stepped into a story with it’s own world building and the author made little to no attempt to catch up late comers to the series.