Review: Perfect Ten by Nikki Worrell
Sexy and sweet. I enjoyed the characters growth in this story and I am very happy to say I finished a very enjoyable story.
Sexy and sweet. I enjoyed the characters growth in this story and I am very happy to say I finished a very enjoyable story.
Another book on camping to give me nightmares, but if I had to take a hike into the mountains and snuggle up for warmth, I would want my own George to keep me company.
This story wasted time on romance issues which took away time from an actual story and then left the romance issues hanging unresolved after taking away from the plot. Best I can give this story is a great big “MEH!”
[box style=”rounded” border=”full”]Sara Humphreys succeeds in writing romantic suspense where others have failed. She strikes a perfect balance of suspense, excitement and romance and kept me guessing until the final reveal.[/box] New York City and murder become the backdrop for Sara Humphrey’s latest novel in the McGuire Brothers series featuring NYC Police Officer Ronan McGuire and […]
I was a bit disappointed in this novella. Since we already knew the characters of Ophelia and Jamie, we should have jumped right in and gotten more out of this story. It ended up being more of a filler and a lead in to the next novel coming out in 2017 The Accidental Sire.
Molly Harper reminds me exactly why I hate the outdoors so much. You will be changing your vacation plans after reading this book.
I thought I might go back and try to finish this one but I was so uninterested in this story, it was time to admit defeat.
This is the fifth and, I believe, last book in the series. Sadly I didn’t enjoyed this book as much as the first three stories in the series. I am not a big fan of storylines where Gods as the antagonist. It is a lopsided fight that can’t be won.
[box style=”rounded” border=”full”]Alice Clayton does it again. Cream of the Crop is delightful and delicious and not the least bit cheesy. She makes you want to pack up and move to the Hudson Valley. Wait…I live there. I have to find this town.[/box] Advertising executive, Natalie Grayson is a New York City girl from the […]
Anne Gracie saved the best for last. Daisy and Flynn overcame their humble backgrounds to fulfill their dreams and in doing so stumbled upon a love one dreamed of and one never dreamed could happen.