Review: Fighting Dirty by Lori Foster
A captivating set of characters. This is the last novel in the series but it stands on its own. Definitely worth a read.
A captivating set of characters. This is the last novel in the series but it stands on its own. Definitely worth a read.
This was a quick but enjoyable novella. It also proves that maybe I was too quick to judge an author over one story.
Mercy has been dragged into the middle of every supernatural problem and this time it is Mercy that drags the pack into the middle of the fae/human standoff.
Although I didn’t fall under the spell of Nathan and Amelia as much as I did with the cuter romance of Tucker and Karen in the last book, the story plot contained some unexpected twists that kept your focus on the investigation.
I read some posts about this book and admit to being intrigued. I also have to admit to being quite disappointed. The story premise had promise and simply fell flat.
Action packed as well as sexy and romantic, you can’t ask for more. I like this series and I like Katie Reus. I really liked how the characters clicked and how the action kept up the entire story.
I really enjoy this series. I was a little put off at the beginning by how close the storyline reflected another book that I read, which is going to happen now and again when you read the same type of story. After the start, this one did go off in its own direction. Derek isn’t a character who is going to be overly romantic, but there was plenty of action to balance that out.
This is definitely Rebecca’s best series and it has just started. I am a fan of her Dark Protectors as well as her Sin Brothers series. This one has just enough of a dark edge to keep you worrying where she will go and will your favorite characters make it to the end.
[box style=”rounded” border=”full”]Exciting and delightful. I haven’t been so happy with a new author in such a long time. This was the third in the series but there was a perfect balance of enough information to keep me from being lost but not so much that I can’t go back and read the prior […]
I was happy and disappointed with this novella. I was happy to see that Baby Thor and his grumpy bear boyfriend got their own story, but I would have liked more story that wasn’t just sex and the back and forth angst of will they or won’t they stay together.