Author: Lucy D

Review:  Devoted in Death by J.D. Robb

Review: Devoted in Death by J.D. Robb

Posted September 10, 2015 by Lucy D in Book Reviews, Crime Drama, Mystery / 1 Comment

This is my favorite series. Even after 41 novels, I am still excited each time one comes out. This is one of the more gruesome stories she has written in quite awhile. Once again, we know who the killers are and we watch as Eve, Peabody and their team try to put all the pieces together to find their latest victim before it is too late.

It’s Our 4th Blogiversary Celebration!

It’s Our 4th Blogiversary Celebration!

Posted September 7, 2015 by Lucy D in Contests & Giveaways / 26 Comments

[box style=”rounded” border=”full”]The Winner is…Szelina.[/box] Happy Blogiversary to us! Summer’s ending but our celebration is just beginning. It’s been four years that we’ve been here talking about books and our blog has grown slowly but surely. I want to say thanks to everyone who takes the time to stop by to talk with us and […]

Review:  All Wound Up by Jaci Burton

Review: All Wound Up by Jaci Burton

Posted September 3, 2015 by Lucy D in Book Reviews, Sports / 1 Comment

This was my first Jaci Burton story and I really liked it. I have given away several paperbacks featuring Ms. Burton and I need you all to return them to me. (Kidding. Just kidding. 🙂 ) I liked the characters of Tucker and Aubrey. We also meet a few of Tucker’s brothers and the players from the team who were the subject of the other books. I will be taking a first read at the next Jaci Burton book that comes my way before I give it away. If I ever get the time (ha, ha), I may just pick up the prior books in this series.

Author Interview:  Dianne Duvall – Immortal Guardian & Gifted Ones Series

Author Interview: Dianne Duvall – Immortal Guardian & Gifted Ones Series

Today we have a guest host with us as EBookObsessed. I have turned my friend, Christine, onto Dianne’s Immortal Guardian series and she loves it. Christine is joining us today because she also had a few questions for Dianne. Thank you Dianne for stopping by to speak with us once again. It has been a […]

Review:  Archangel’s Enigma by Nalini Singh

Review: Archangel’s Enigma by Nalini Singh

The Guild Hunter series is another of my favorite series. Naasir is one of those special characters that make you cheer when he shows up. His behavior is odd but always interesting and so far, keeps you guessing why he is so different. This story was very exciting and I’m happy that he was given a HEA, but he is not your typical romance hero.

Review:  Shadow Strike by Dianne Duvall

Review: Shadow Strike by Dianne Duvall

Posted August 6, 2015 by Lucy D in Book Reviews, Paranormal Romance / 7 Comments

I love this series and it truly just keeps getting better and better with each book. The Other is no longer plotting against just the Immortal Guardians. Now they are looking to start the apocalypse. Priorities have changed.  It’s no longer just about keeping the vampires and the Immortals a secret. Can the Guardians stop the plot to end the world before it’s too late?

Review:  Toxic by Kim Karr

Review: Toxic by Kim Karr

Posted August 5, 2015 by Lucy D in Book Reviews, New Adult, Romance / 0 Comments

I had a difficult time getting into this story. Rich girl meets poor boy. Hides who she is and gets mad when he disappears from her life. They reconnect but she doesn’t trust him. But–but she’s the one who lied. I had little sympathy for Phoebe and a hard time connecting with her.