Review: The Graveside Bar and Grill by Darynda Jones
Great to spend time in Charley’s world again.
Great to spend time in Charley’s world again.
Be prepared. You are going to need a box of tissues…and possibly a box of wine to get through this story.
Darynda Jones shows that the magic just begins at forty in her newest paranormal women’s fiction.
I love so many things about this new series. More please!
Darynda Jones takes the vest best parts of Charley Davidson and gives us Sunshine Vicram. I don’t know how I am going to survive until the next book releases.
As the final Charley Davidson novel arrives on shelves, we thought you would enjoy a walk down memory lane with a few Charley/Reyes scenes to put a smile on your face. Charley Davidson, Grim Reaper, and Reyes Alexander Farrow, Son of Satan, have taught us many things over the last few years. 1. We need […]
I was happy to get back to an audiobook of this series. Lorelei King does an outstanding job bringing Charley to life.
I miss the original storyline of this series which focused on Charley the grim reaper and P.I. I am not so excited about the plotlines recently. I miss the simpler stories where Charley used her ability to see the dead to solve investigations. I still hate the premise of leaving her baby to be raised […]
This series is sexy, fun and addictive. We can’t get enough to Charlie Davidson and Reyes Farrow. Charley is back in New Mexico and back to doing what she does best — getting into trouble.
Charley Davidson might have lost her memory, but she hasn’t lost her talent for getting herself into trouble. We are as frustrated as Reyes waiting to see what it will take to finally return Charley to her old self, but the story has all the usual fun and quirkiness we have come to expect from Charley Davidson and Darynda Jones.