Review: The Siren and the Deep Blue Sea by Kerrelyn Sparks
Just when you think we knew it all, there are more secrets to be revealed.
Just when you think we knew it all, there are more secrets to be revealed.
Kerrelyn Sparks once again delights us with a story filled with adventure, treachery, magic and romance.
Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon is my favorite in the series. It will make you laugh and cry.
Such wonderful world-building by Kerrelyn Sparks. She obviously had a great time creating these new characters. In the second in her new Embraced series, we can really start to see how much fun Kerrelyn had stetching her imagination. Her complaint about her Love at Stake series was that all the vampires had the same abilities […]
I have missed Kerrelyn Sparks’s humor. This new series is delightful. I can’t wait to see what comes next. As this is the first book of a new series, there is so much to talk about — the set up for the new world building as well as all the new characters. To keep […]
Kerrelyn Sparks takes us out with a bang. Russell and Jia fight each other for the honor of killing the Master Han. Once they finally decide to work together, they find they have more in common than just revenge.
Vampire Zoltan Czakvar is on the hunt for the truth about his father’s death. He’s been searching for a very long time—since 1241, in fact. And he is not about to give up, even when he’s attacked by a woman with striking blue eyes and a hell of a right hook! Neona is also on […]
Dougal Kincaid has something to prove. After being injured in a battle with the Malcontents, he’s ready for active duty protecting unsuspecting mortals from these villainous vampires who want to rule the world. But first he has to get control of himself . . . because just the sight of a certain lovely doctor has […]
In this never-before-published historical romance, New York Times bestselling author Kerrelyn Sparks returns to the 18th century, where the fight for freedom is as dangerous as the fight for love. Between searching for the missing Munro sisters and South Carolina being all but lost to the British, Captain Matthais Thomas has more important things to […]
V is for VampWoman by Kerrelyn Sparks Pamela decides to shed her prim and proper ways for spandex and a mask to help fight the Malcontents. Now if only she weren’t so distracted by the sexy vampire fighting by her side . . . A Forever Love by Pamela Palmer Trapped in Vamp City, Lukas […]