Review: All I Want for Halloween by Marie Harte
I was hoping for a book about Sadie since we met her and her brother Elliot in A Sure Thing.
I was hoping for a book about Sadie since we met her and her brother Elliot in A Sure Thing.
Katie Ruggle has gives us some really interesting characters and she knows how to write suspense which keeps us guessing.
This story brings out more than a fair share of tears, but the characters are well written and overall it was a good story. Warning: This story involves the death of a child. To a certain degree, this was a hard story to read because of the subject matter. Craig Williams lost his son a […]
If you are a fan of Marie Harte’s various series, this will be a special bonus for you.
This was an interesting start to a new series but I give it a “cliff-hanger” since I not 100 percent satisfied with the end and I hope we finish the story. Juliet Young had no option left to her but to grab her abused younger siblings and make a run for it. She is now […]
What a nice bonus to the Search & Rescue series and set up for the next.
In fairness I want state that this is not one of my favorite tropes and I was unaware of that when I picked it up since there was nothing about it in the book description.
I liked Sam’s story a lot more than I thought I would. While he was a bit of a jerk in Roadside Assistance, he turns out to be a big softie. In Roadside Assistance, Sam was pretty angry over the fact that his best friend, Foley, was interested in Cyn as more than just a […]
A sweet, sexy romance. You are going to want to be a Donnigan after reading this story.
I couldn’t be more disappointed with this book. The description intrigued me as something new and interesting but the story wasn’t cohesive at all. Trying to finish it was torture and I barely flipped through the epilogue. I am still left with unanswered questions.