Review: Secrets in Death by J.D. Robb
Eve and Roarke are always a favorite.
Eve and Roarke are always a favorite.
Such wonderful world-building by Kerrelyn Sparks. She obviously had a great time creating these new characters. In the second in her new Embraced series, we can really start to see how much fun Kerrelyn had stetching her imagination. Her complaint about her Love at Stake series was that all the vampires had the same abilities […]
I have missed Kerrelyn Sparks’s humor. This new series is delightful. I can’t wait to see what comes next. As this is the first book of a new series, there is so much to talk about — the set up for the new world building as well as all the new characters. To keep […]
Eve Dallas is one of my favorite characters. Even after 44 novels, I am still hooked. These characters feel like old friends and the investigations are always intriguing and sometime even disturbing. I can’t wait to read more.
This series is sexy, fun and addictive. We can’t get enough to Charlie Davidson and Reyes Farrow. Charley is back in New Mexico and back to doing what she does best — getting into trouble.
Charley Davidson might have lost her memory, but she hasn’t lost her talent for getting herself into trouble. We are as frustrated as Reyes waiting to see what it will take to finally return Charley to her old self, but the story has all the usual fun and quirkiness we have come to expect from Charley Davidson and Darynda Jones.
Although this was an enjoyable peek into the mind of Reyes, and it will be gobbled up by all the Darynda Jones Fans, it lacked any true insight into the soul of the son of Satan.
The grim reaper and the son of Satan are having a baby. This book is the beginning of big changes to the series. Although I truly love the series, I did grumble a bit about the ending. I don’t know where the series will be going in the future novels, but I can’t wait to see what’s next.
If I haven’t convinced you to give this series a try by now, then I don’t know what to do with you. This series is funny and exciting with delightful characters. If paranormal is not your thing, I understand, but if you like a good paranormal romance or urban fantasy, what are you waiting for?
Charley has an evil plan to hook up her BFF and her Uncle Bob. The question is –is it more dangerous than her plan to get back her client’s soul from a demon known as “The Dealer.”