Series: Love at Stake #11
Published by Avon on September 27th 2011
Genres: Paranormal/Urban Fantasy
Pages: 370
Format: eBook

I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
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The secret is out . . . Vampires do exist!
When a video reveals to the world that vampires live among us, it’s up to “young” vamp Gregori Holstein, VP of Marketing, to persuade the U.S.government to declare the video a hoax. But first the president wants a favor, one that requires Gregori to spend forty-eight hours in very close contact with the First Daughter.
Abby Tucker would rather spend her nights in a lab than attend her father’s state dinners. She’s dedicated her life to finding a cure that will save her dying mother and needs only two more ingredients. To find them, she’ll have to venture into the most dangerous region of the world—with a vampire. Her Armani-clad escort may be Undead, but he still makes her heart race. And the greatest danger won’t be the predatory hordes lying in wait for them; it will be her undying desire for the Sexiest Vampire Alive.
A video is going viral which proves the existence of vampires among us. Before the vampire hunts begin, the Vamps need to convince the President that not only do Vampires exist, but that it would be in the government’s best interest to protect the vampires and work with them so the Vamps can continue to protect mortals from the Malcontents. Who better to send to “market” Vamps to the President than Gregori Holstein, the VP of Marketing at Romatech. Playboy vampire Gregori was turned after the invention of artificial blood and had never bitten a mortal for food. He is a true “bottle-fed” vampire.
The President might be willing to declare the video a hoax if Gregori is willing to assist in a covert mission to get his daughter, Abby, a biochemist, into China so she may collect some plant samples for her research.
Gregori is certain that the mission will go smoothly if only he can convince himself to keep his hands off the President’s beautiful daughter.
I have to admit to a certain bias in my review since I am a huge fan of Kerrelyn Sparks and her Love at Stake series. Her stories are witty and romantic and I just love all her characters. Connor and Gregori were two of my favorite characters and I have wanted to read their stories since we first met them in How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire. Although I was a little disappointed in Connor’s story which came out last March, I LOVED Gregori’s story. It had the perfect balance of witty banter, sexy flirtations and adventure.
I waited in eager anticipation for word to pass to Gregori’s mother, Radinka, that Gregori was showing a special interest in Abby, and I as not disappointed when Radinka showed up on their date.
The only disappointment is that after all the years of Gregori always teasing the vamps when they fall in love and flirting with their girlfriends to annoy them, I thought there would be a little more payback from his buddies once Gregori finally fell in love. They were too easy on him.
You don’t need to read the whole series to enjoy this story. But for us fans, this story was a wonderful addition to the series.
We talked with Kerrelyn Sparks on 2/27/12 about her series.
Favorite Scene:
“Your line, Gregori,” Maggie whispered.
Abigail’s eyes popped opened. God Lord! She’d forgotten for a second where she was. She placed her hands on his shoulders to push him back, but then his lips brushed across her cheek. Oh God, was he planning to kiss her mouth?
His fingers curled around the strand of rhinestones, and his knuckles nestled in the valley of her breast.
“Gregori!” Maggie hissed.
“Cut!” Gordon shouted.
With a jerk, Gregori released her necklace. His gaze lifted to her face.
Red glowing eyes! “Aagh!” She pushed at his shoulders. “You’re going to bite me!”
Gregori stepped back. “I wasn’t—”
Bam! Josh body-slammed him onto the floor.
“Abby!” Madison ran toward her. “Are you all right?”
She pressed a hand against her thundering heart. “His eyes turned red! Glowing and red!”
“Really?” Madison glanced at Gregori, still pinned underneath Josh.
“I wasn’t going to bite you.” Gregori frowned at Abigail, his eyes returning to their usual grayish-green.
“His eyes were red?” Simone asked. “Impossible!”
“I saw it,” Abigail whispered. She’d been a fool to let herself be attracted to a vampire, to think that he might want her for anything other than a snack.
“Abby, I can explain,” Gregori told her, then glared at Josh. “Get off me! I could teleport away. Or throw you across the room.”
Josh didn’t budge. “I can’t allow you to hurt her.”
“I’m not going to hurt her!” Gregori shouted.
“It’s true!” Maggie said as she stepped onto the set. “When a vampire’s eyes turn red, it doesn’t mean hunger. He wasn’t going to bite her.”
“That’s right.” Phineas gave Abigail an encouraging smile. “Chillax, dudette. He didn’t want to bite you.”
She wondered if she overreacted. “He didn’t?”
“Naw.” Phineas smirked. “He just wanted to jump your bones.”
Her mouth fell open.
“Phineas,” Gregori growled. “Let me handle this.”
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