Review: Wicked Edge by Rebecca Zanetti
I love Rebecca Zanetti’s writing. This one was action packed and included quite the surprise. I saw it coming and waited impatiently for all the fireworks. It was awesome.
I love Rebecca Zanetti’s writing. This one was action packed and included quite the surprise. I saw it coming and waited impatiently for all the fireworks. It was awesome.
Molly Harper takes us on another delightful trip to Half Moon Hollow. This is a great series. I love when a paranormal series just has fun and pokes fun at itself and the folks at Half-Moon Hollow are crazier than most.
If you love the Elder Races series like I do, you know we can’t get enough of the First Family of the Wyr Demesne, Dragos, Pia and Liam. These novellas are a special treat for fans of the series.
I love this series. I think the world building is creative and is open for all sorts of story lines. The characters are so enjoyable. We’ve been waiting awhile for this second book and I tried really, really hard not to read it in one day but the best I could make myself do was two days. Now the wait beings again. MORE PLEASE!
Overall, I was disappointed with this book. Even as a big fan of the In Death series, the most I could give this collection was a “meh.”
How can I hate a book that features four of my favorite authors? Sorry, I can’t. When I saw my first promo for this anthology, I knew it was a must have.
This is the final book of Nightwalker/World of Nightwalker series might have been about bringing both worlds of Nightwalkers together and destroying the god, Apep, before he enslaves the human race, but I enjoyed the enjoyed the romance between the most hated Bodywalker and the half-wraith, Vieve, the most.
The Guild Hunter series is another of my favorite series. Naasir is one of those special characters that make you cheer when he shows up. His behavior is odd but always interesting and so far, keeps you guessing why he is so different. This story was very exciting and I’m happy that he was given a HEA, but he is not your typical romance hero.
I love this series and it truly just keeps getting better and better with each book. The Other is no longer plotting against just the Immortal Guardians. Now they are looking to start the apocalypse. Priorities have changed. It’s no longer just about keeping the vampires and the Immortals a secret. Can the Guardians stop the plot to end the world before it’s too late?
I was assigned this book for review and needed to read the complete story to give a review for another website otherwise I would have tossed it out the nearest window. Finishing this book was painful and I was so happy when it was finally over.