Format: eBook

Review:  Moonlight on Nightingale Way by Samantha Young

Review: Moonlight on Nightingale Way by Samantha Young

Posted June 2, 2015 by Lucy D in Book Reviews, Contemporary, New Adult / 0 Comments

Moonlight is the last in the On Dublin Street series. As a final story, it was a wonderful tale of Shannon’s brother, Logan MacLeod, recently released from prison. Logan went to jail for beating up Shannon’s ex-friend after he attacked Shannon. We know what a good man he is for what he has done to support Shannon over the years, but two years in prison has Logan doubting his self-worth. It is new neighbor Grace who helps remind Logan what a good man he truly is.

Review:  Protective Instinct by Katie Reus

Review: Protective Instinct by Katie Reus

Posted May 27, 2015 by Lucy D in Book Reviews, Paranormal Romance / 0 Comments

When I reviewed Hunter Reborn back in February, I mentioned that although the H/H in Hunter Reborn didn’t excite me, there were two couples I was looking forward to reading. This is the first of those stories involving Ryan and Teresa. As with many series, you will understand more of these characters if you have read the series. Katie Reus laid down the foundation for this story in Hunter Reborn. This novella also adds more into the (hopefully) next story involving Natalia and Aldric.

Review:  Witches with the Enemy by Barb Hendee

Review: Witches with the Enemy by Barb Hendee

Posted May 11, 2015 by Lucy D in Book Reviews, Urban Fantasy / 0 Comments

I once again declare my love/hate with this series. There was a lot of potential for this series, but the sisters aren’t given a chance to use their gifts to their fullest until the very end when Amelie sees the killer’s past right at the apex of the action and once again screeching the whole story to a halt. I will still read the next one, because I am still hoping to see more from these characters.

Review:  In Still Darkness by Dianne Duvall

Review: In Still Darkness by Dianne Duvall

Posted April 16, 2015 by Lucy D in Book Reviews, Paranormal Romance / 1 Comment

I love Dianne Duvall’s Immortal Guardians. Richart is one of the few Guardians who can teleport. That makes him just a bit cooler than his twin, but don’t tell him I said that. I thought it was adorable that Richart develops a bit of a crush on Jenna after saving her, and even though this actions are a bit stalkerish, we know that he has a good heart.

Review:  An Affair Downstairs by Sherri Browning

Review: An Affair Downstairs by Sherri Browning

Posted April 16, 2015 by Lucy D in Book Reviews, Historical Romance / 0 Comments

I got tired of Alice’s naive girlish nonsense right away. Her decision to seduce Logan was completely selfish and not thought out. She was self-centered and reminded me of a more likable Lydia Bennett (Pride and Prejudice). She is playful and sweet. It was nice that she engaged Logan and was able to draw him out of his solitary life. She is too young and inexperienced to take into account the consequences that sleeping with Logan would bring for both her and Logan.