Review: Hunted by a Jaguar by Felicity Heaton
A little slow to start. Once we got to the adventure and the race between Iolanthe and Kyter to find the key to pull the demon Barafnir from hell, it definitely was exciting.
A little slow to start. Once we got to the adventure and the race between Iolanthe and Kyter to find the key to pull the demon Barafnir from hell, it definitely was exciting.
Kerrelyn Sparks takes us out with a bang. Russell and Jia fight each other for the honor of killing the Master Han. Once they finally decide to work together, they find they have more in common than just revenge.
It’s finally here and I am thrilled and heartbroken. This is the conclusion to the Dark Protectors series and the one we have been waiting for since the very beginning. Janie is psychic and has known from the time she was four that she would be a pivotal character in the final solution for the war between the vampires, kurjans, demons and witches. We’ll finally see if the end of the war comes down to Janie, Zane and Kalin as promised.
I had high hopes for this story. With thoughts of my other favorite military series, I was intrigued by the interesting change of pace offered in this story. Our heroine was the soldier who goes into the jungles of Venezuela after her old boyfriend who was captured and held hostage. It just didn’t live up to my expectations.
Currently on sale for only $.99. Don’t miss a chance to read this creative, paranormal retelling of the classic, A Christmas Carol.
When I first picked up my copy, I had the impression this was an Indiana Jones/Romancing the Stone type story. Not even close! It was not very exciting. Violet and Jonathan were on a treasure hunt for letters hidden by Violet’s father in some deathbed attempt to make up for the fact that he was a selfish bastard and screwed up both their lives. I was quite disappointed.
I was torn between loving and hating this story. There were moments when their bond moved me, and then others when their actions bothered the hell out of me. Luke’s brother calls it at the end of the story telling them they are still acting like the teenagers they once were, and that’s when it hit me what the problem was, their feelings were that of mature adults and their actions were still rooted in the teenagers they were when they originally fell in love.
The excitement never ends for Celia Wird, and by excitement I mean attempts to kill her. In this story, even friends become enemies. With no one at her back, she will still risk everything to get back the one friend she still has in the world and to protect the man she loves but can’t have.
Even the greatest love can be torn apart, but it can also be mended if the love is strong enough. This latest novel by Jessie Lane deals with depression, mental health, loss, and reconnection. Kara and Riley Sullivan were high school sweethearts. After they married, Riley went into the Navy and Kara attended college and […]
This was a first published novel for Helen Grant. It had a good outline but what this story lack was embellishment. I would have enjoyed reading more conversations and interactions between Miriam and Vincent instead the very short conversations or the general references to “we talked.” Even though Vincent wanted to marry Miriam as a […]